How to choose the best gift..: The simple task of choosing a gift can take a lot of time if you want to please and not spend too much. When you decide to give someone a gift you usually think about the things that the beholder likes or would like to have. A gift has a lot to do with the personality, culture, education of the person who will be gifted. Another important point is to define the purpose of the present, which can be a holiday, an event, a personal or business relationship, and determine the importance of that person or company to you or your business. In order not to commit any embarrassment, try to find out if the recipient of your gift drinks, smokes, beliefs and habits. Such information is essential and will prevent you from spending money on something that will never be used or remembered. It will also prevent you from investing in something that brings disruption in your relationship with the company or person you give gift. On the other hand, knowing person det...